Gaudiya Giti-guccha application presents the entire collection of the latest and classic Gaudiya bhajans and prayers compiled by Srila Bhakti Vedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja and published by Gaudiya Vedanta Publications (GVP).
This mobile app was developed by Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies (GBVS) with permission from GVP under Creative Commons license. Art works used are from Srimati Syamarani Didi with permission.
Once this app is installed on your mobile device and loaded with the songs from the cloud for the first time (takes about 2 minutes), no more internet connection is then required.
In order to display the text correctly, if your device does not support unicode font, Android 4.3 or above may be required.
高迪亚佳通 - guccha应用程序提供最新的和经典的高迪亚bhajans和祈祷用施瑞拉巴克提韦丹塔纳拉亚纳哥斯瓦米大君编译和高迪亚韦丹塔出版物(GVP)公布的整个集合。
这个移动应用程序是由戈库尔Bhajan身上学到与吠陀学(GBVS)根据Creative Commons许可从GVP许可开发。用艺术作品都来自斯丽玛Syamarani嘀嘀许可。